Saturday, March 12, 2005

Sharon and the Amazones

A group of Likud Ministers and Knesset members, nicknamed "the rebels", are threatening to vote down the proposed budget, which might bring down the government and at least postpone the "Disengagement" - the army withdrawal from the Gaza strip and the evacuation of settlements from the Gaza strip.

Never mind. Sharon had a solution:
Acknowledging Women's immense capacity to influence men, on March 8, The International Women's Day - a day to celebrate Equality - our mighty PM came to speak to a gathering of the only Israeli real women - Likud women activists.

Facing the only important section of our world, at the Amazones conference, he states that women's place is not equal to that of men but much higher, high above of even plain Knesset members and simple Ministers:

Women, at least in the Herculikud - and how have you not noticed this until now - women are those who dictate to men for what to vote.

New Times, 2005 splendor.

See for yourselves: If women won't be behind men, but, God forbid, Knesset members and Ministers - they'll lose their power for nothing.

There'll be no one left to influence.

You girls know exactly what he has in mind.
Don't tell me Hercules does not read Greek. What, at his native Mallal village they did not teach the Amazones story?
At least part of this word*** was in use in the Army (In Hebrew the plural is Amazonot; for the rest, see the dictionary).

Pay attention, you mighty Herculikud Women:
By all means, the Budget must not be voted down!
The men rebel against their king?
You must rebel against men!

Put on Brave Hyppolita's belt and sing out loud and clear:
Bring the Budget! Bring power and hunger - or you'll see soon some disengagement! Day and Night there will be no one to influence you!Well said, Hercules?
Where is he?

Shhh! He's counting eyes, on the knitting needle.
Who gave him wool, who?
He dismantled the old woman's sweater, the one in the hospital's corridor.
Oh. What's going to come upon her?
Rightly so. Who could she influence anyway?

read it in Russian;