Thanks, Laila for your words.
Unlike some of the commentors, your dignified attitude is quite touching.
I'm back home from a few hours of holiday gift shopping. All along I was thinking, with a trembling heart, here we are and there they are, so close by and yet all this aimless suffering. There is no justification for all those power fights, bringing disaster on the innocents in an endless circle of mindless cruelty.
Thank you for being.
In Hebrew Laila means, Night. So persistent is the feeling that Night itself closes upon us. Yet your words, paradoxically, point to the opposite, give hope, crossing above walls of concrete and fire. I have close friends on the other side of the wall, in farms and kibutzim, mothers trembling for their own innocent babies.
It's time for us to get up and issue an order to those leaders playing ping-pong with our lives: Stop all power games. Enough is enough.