Thursday, September 23, 2004

Let's Celebrate Farsi!

Languages, they are the camels of civilization. Throughout the ages they've dutifully carried the heavy, ever-growing loads of each community's cultural uniqueness.

Now we notice with pain the disappearance of ancient languages, we behold with uneasiness the tide of The One And Only Language.

Some say, "It is pre-destined. Give up and turn your back upon your singular culture. It creates division and we want to be One Nation, One Language, One Herd!"

No, it creates mono-culture, this all encroaching weed. Language is Identity. It is our human right, and duty, to preserve each one his or her unique identity.

Today I feel so happy with the addition of Farsi to our evolving blog.

Thanks to Mehdi.

Farsi. The very word carries such a sweet musical sound.

An old, rich, carrier of a most important culture. I will never know it, I may not ever be enabled to visit it's spiritual and physical landscapes, but now it's here with us, close to heart..

Thank you, Mehdi, for your generous contribution .


Read this in Farsi.

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